Globular Cluster Palomar 10
Palomar 10 in Sagitta, a visually challenging globular in small scopes though it is fairly close at 19,200 light years. This is an early ST-8XE image that convinced my that digital exceeded the capabilities of film. This image has much fainter stars than the same field shot on hypered film using a scope of twice the diameter with double the exposure time!br/Scope: Takahashi FSQ-106, 530mm at f5br/ Camera: SBIG ST-8XE using internal guide chip, Hutech Type II clear filterbr/ Mount: Losmandy G-11 digitalbr/ Exposures: 3 x 10 minutes binned 1x1br/ Images acquired using CCDSoft 5br/ Calibration in CCDSoft 5; PixInsight Lite and Photoshop CS2br/ Location and Date: Summit of Mt. Kobau, B.C.; Aug 4 2005