Barnard 72 aka The Snake Nebula
The Snake Nebula or Barnard 72 in Ophiuchus. This image is a digital stack of 3 film images to improve contrast and Celestron 8quot; Schmidt camera, 300mm f1.5br/ Film: Fuji Super G100 (colour) and hypered Kodak Tech-pan (Luminance)br/ Mount: Modified Meade DS-16 equatorial mount (Mathis drive system)br/ Exposures: 7 minutes manually guided (Luminance) 2 x 10 minutes manually guided (colour)br/ Calibration in RegiStar, Photoshop CS2br/ Location and Date: Mt. kobau; August 10 1994 (Luminance), Mt. Kobau August 12 1996 (colour)