13 Asterism - The Big Dipper
Title: The Big Dipper
Date: Imaged 28 July 2019 (10:43 pm)
Location: Halifax, NS
Equipment: Tripod-mounted Canon Rebel T3 DSLR at ISO-400 with kit lens at 18mm f/3.5; 15 sec exposure.
Processing: Seven 15 sec exposures were captured in RAW16 format and converted to TIFF format using Canon’s Digital Photo Professional, then stacked using Sequator. Photoshop CS2 was used for to adjust levels and to remove noise. Microsoft Photo was used to tweak clarity, contrast, highlights, shadows, and exposure of the final jpg image.
Comments: Mizar and Alcor are both visible at the bend in the handle of the Big Dipper. Polaris is located in the top right corner of the image.