15 Noctilucent clouds Over Halifax
Title: Noctilucent Clouds Over Halifax
Date: Imaged 12 June 2019 (10:21 pm)
Location: Halifax, NS
Equipment: Hand-held Canon Rebel T3 DSLR at ISO-1600 with kit lens at 55mm f/5.6; 0.25 sec exposure.
Processing: A single 0.25 sec exposure was captured in RAW16 format and converted to TIFF format using Canon’s Digital Photo Professional. Photoshop CS2 was used for to adjust levels and to remove noise. Microsoft Photo was used to tweak clarity, contrast, highlights, shadows, and exposure of the final jpg image.
Comments: Noctilucent clouds have been seen much farther south this summer than is usual. These glowing bluish clouds appeared after sunset as sunlight from below the horizon was reflected by ice crystals high in the atmosphere. Since I did not have a tripod handy when capturing this image, I had to brace myself against the side of the house to take the shot.