Jupiter stacked
The night of October 10 was clear with a bit of cirrus clouds. Saturn was in a cloudy area and my view of it was embedded in a fuzzy shroud, but Jupiter was in a clear patch and the seeing was excellent. Europa and Io were easily visible to the left of the planet with a bit longer exposure and I used them for focussing. The Great Red Spot was nicely visible.
Date: 2022-10-10 21:30 EDT
Location: Carlington, Ottawa, ON
Equipment: B&L 8" SCT, ASI178MC camera, wedge mount with motor
Settings: Gain 235 (46%), shutter 10.90ms, 180s SER video
Processing: FireCapture for camera control and image stabilization. AutoStakkert! to select and stack best 25% of 1769 frames. Registax for wavelets sharpening. Photoshop Elements for final processing.