This apparition placed Jupiter and Saturn very far south in a position which is only visible from my observatory when the planets are right above the roof of the house making for generally poor seeing. This is a series of 120s videos shot with the QHY5III178C and Televue 2x barlow on the Boltwood 0.4m f/4.7 Newtonian; exposure 2.4ms, gain 34. Each video was stacked in AutoStakkert and is the best 10% of ~1000 frames in each video, then wavelet sharpened in Registax using identical settings for each image. Multiple videos were shot to try for the best seeing but there was only slow and gradual improvement in seeing over the whole series so it seemed appropriate to combine them all into a short animated GIF showing the planetrsquo;s rotation. Of a number of attempts at imaging Jupiter this is the only one which showed the Great Red Spot so it was chosen to present.br/I also shot some videos of the moons Io and Ganymede and was easily able to resolve the difference en size, though no detail on the disks was visible.